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What is SIA ?

How SIA helps my organisation forward

The Strategy-Into-Action (SIA) methodology is a straightforward, step-by-step approach that simplifies the translation of strategic plans into effective actions without requiring complex processes. This method is designed to foster clear communication, enhance accountability, and promote a shift from top-down to inclusive, team-based management, addressing key execution challenges directly.

The manual for action

The real work only starts after you have developed your strategy!

The SIA manual is structured as a practical guide, not just another book on strategy. It is designed to be used as a daily tool for implementing strategy effectively.

The manual consists of three main parts:

  1. Basic conditions for success

  2. The SIA cycle

  3. Practical toolbox

There’s no need to read this book from cover to cover like a novel.


Although reading it in its entirety is, of course, advisable, the real aim is to use it as a day-to-day GUIDE for implementing your strategy.

Basic conditions for success

There are some crucial basics that are needed to start and some 'critical sucess factors' that will determine the outcome. 




The foundation that will keep the fire burning:

  • potential;

  • capabilities;

  • passion;

  • agility;

The 6 critical success factors:

  • secure clarity about the vision, mission, values and long-term strategic objectives;            

  • orchestrate leadership and teamwork; 

  • create a climate of entrepreneurship and ownership;

  • work with a ‘rolling’ planning cycle; 

  • monitor proactively with lead KPIs - scorecards;

  • secure customer focus;

Basic conditions
Sia Cycle

The SIA cycle

Kick-off workshop

Working out projects & actions

Target setting

Developing scorecards

Monitoring, learning & improving

Roll-out SEP

Practical toolbox

A third part of the manual has a set of tools that are ready to use to manage the whole SIA transformation. 

  • SIA performance Scan & Readiness test

  • Complexity & Portfolio Management – Tail-Trap tool

  • Risk and Obstacles Management 

  • Lead-KPIs & Scorecards

  • Customer Focus and Segmentation

  • Dynamic ‘Roadmapping’ & Target Setting

  • Sources of Growth Management

  • External Benchmarking & ‘Foresigthing’

Practical Toolbox
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